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Typical Acura Repairs for Acura Drivers

Acura vehicles are known for exceptional reliability among luxury brands. While Acura cars and SUVs perform well on the roads, they also hold up for many years. Long term dependability is a reason many choose Acura over other vehicle options. At First Class HALT, we’re here to help maintain the longevity of your Acura through expert service and repairs in Greenville. Learn more about typical Acura repairs below and book an appointment with one of our Acura mechanics in Greenville today!

What does Acura recommend for maintenance service intervals?

We recommend servicing your Acura vehicle at least every 7,500 miles or once a year. Staying up on regular maintenance appointments will keep your Acura running smoothly.

How long is an Acura engine expected to last?

With consistent maintenance and repairs using genuine OEM parts, your Acura can last between 250,000 and 300,000 miles. Buying an Acura can be a great investment if you take care of it along the way. Our trained Acura technicians are experts at repairing Acura vehicles to factory settings and only ever use genuine OEM parts.

What are common repair problems with an Acura?

For Acura cars, transmission issues are the most common problem. It’s typical to see fuel pump failures, airbag recalls, driveshaft separations and brake wear as well. These types of issues can become costly the longer you wait. If you’re feeling any hiccups or hearing any weird sounds, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our Acura techs in Anderson as soon as possible.

Is an Acura service appointment expensive?

An Acura driver can expect to spend anywhere from $50-$200 on a service appointment, depending on what repairs need to be completed. Our Acura technicians do a great job of providing full transparency into all suggested repairs, so you’ll feel good about what you’re paying for

What can Acura owners expect to spend on service in a year?

Acura drivers can expect to spend an average of $500 in a year for maintenance and service on their Acura. Compared to the luxury brands, this is a low cost. For frame of reference, the average yearly spend on maintenance and service for all brands is above $600.

Consumer Reports 2022 ranked Acura as a top 10 reliable car brand. On top of that, the Acura Reliability Rating is 4 out of 5, which ranks 2nd for all brands. If you’re driving an Acura around Cherrydale, you value the importance of dependability. At First Class HALT, we understand that and are here to help extend the life of your vehicle. Give us a call to book an Acura service appointment with us!

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