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Common Honda Repairs in South Carolina

Honda vehicles are known for their reliability and durability, which makes them a great option for Greenville drivers. It's safe to say that most Honda cars and SUVs will last a long time with proper maintenance and servicing. During your Honda ownership, there may be various Honda repairs you encounter that are not part of routine maintenance. At First Class HALT, we have trained techs for Honda vehicles that have experience with nearly every Honda repair. As experts on the subject matter, we’ve listed some FAQs below.

What is part of Honda routine maintenance?

Routine maintenance includes an oil change and inspection. Regular oil changes keep your engine safe and scheduled inspections allow our trained techs to find any potentially dangerous or unnoticed issues with your Honda ahead of having a serious problem.

What is the routine maintenance schedule for a Honda?

For a properly operating Honda vehicle, the general maintenance schedule is to conduct an oil change every 7,500 miles or every 12 months. You’ll also want to rotate tires and check for proper tire conditions every 7,500 miles. At 30,000 miles, the valve clearance should be inspected. It’s easy to book an appointment with one of our Honda mechanics at our Cherrydale location to complete these tasks!

What are the most common Honda repairs?

The most common issues that occur within Honda vehicles despite proper maintenance are transmission failures, idling vibrations, premature brake wear, a/c issues, dashboard display errors, power-lock problems and day-time lights burning out. If you're experiencing any of these issues, book an appointment immediately!

How do I know if my Honda needs a more serious repair?

Stay aware of hearing any weird noises or feeling any vibrations out of the ordinary. Once your Honda vehicle reaches 100,000 miles, they are more susceptible to issues.

Are Honda vehicles expensive to repair?

Hondas are one of the most affordable cars to maintain. Honda vehicles cost an average of $428 a year to service and repair, much lower than the industry average of $652 per year.

What is the most expensive Honda repair?

The cost of the repair will depend on the status of your Honda vehicle at the time of the issue. For example, a Honda with over 100,000 miles on it might be experiencing a dashboard display issue. These can cost a couple hundred dollars to fix. Or, a Honda car can start to have transmission failures at 90,000 miles. These are more serious repairs and would cost a couple thousand dollars to fix.

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