What is a timing belt or timing chain? The timing belt in a vehicle’s engine controls the rotations of the engine shafts and the opening of the engine valves. In essence, the timing belt coordinates the flow of air and gasoline to ensure the engine functions properly. The timing chain does a similar job as a timing belt, except it is made of a metal chain, whereas a timing belt is made of rubber. A timing chain is made to last the life of a car, so unless it’s faulty, it shouldn’t need to be replaced. A timing belt on the other hand will need to be replaced periodically. Given its function in the engine, staying up to date on your timing belt replacement in Greenville can be important for your Honda, Acura, Lexus or Toyota vehicle to function properly.
To be on the safe side, we recommend the timing belt on your Honda, Acura, Lexus or Toyota vehicle be replaced regularly. A good rule of thumb is to replace the timing belt every 60,000 - 100,000 miles. There are cases where the timing belt gives no warning that it’s faulty and instead just breaks. It can also be more costly to repair your timing belt once it breaks, rather than replacing it as a preventative measure. Therefore, staying ahead of the potential issue and replacing the timing belt regularly can save you money and reduce stress.
Some cars have timing chains instead of belts. You can ask your local Anderson mechanic which your car has. If your Honda, Lexus, Toyota or Acura has a timing chain, you do not need to regularly replace this. If you suspect you have a faulty timing chain, then it may be time to schedule an appointment. A faulty timing chain can be noisy, often sounding like a rattling noise under the hood. A defective timing chain can also cause engine misfires, making starting the vehicle difficult. If the engine is vibrating or shaking when idling, performing poorly or the engine light is illuminated, you’ll want to have one of our technicians take a look. These are all symptoms of a damaged timing chain.
Our mechanics at
First Class HALT
in Cherrydale are experienced in all issues related to timing belts and chains. Book an appointment with us online or over the phone and we’ll have one of our expert techs take a look. We communicate transparently and work to provide the
best service possible. Your
Honda, Acura, Lexus or Toyota will be in good hands with us at First Class HALT!
131 Mutual Dr.
Anderson, SC 29621
131 Mutual Dr.
Anderson, SC 29621
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